by Mo Isom Aiken | Daily Walk, Faith, On-Camera Work
As a Christian, have you ever caught yourself in a war of words or combative argument with a non-believer? That’s not what God desires. How should we respond when our King is attacked? WATCH
by Mo Isom Aiken | Faith, Missions
Sometimes–amidst the craziness, the busyness, the suffering and the success–life is very simple. As simple as sitting down. As simple as looking into the eyes of the person in front of you. As simple as being present in the moment. Fully present. Alive and...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Faith, Missions
The roads our bulking Sole Hope vans clamored down were paved with far more footprints than tire tracks. And the expressions that danced across the faces of the residents confirmed just that—we were not common guests. And we were certainly not visiting for a common...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Faith, Missions
She welcomed me back just as I’d left her. Her warm scent spun its way through my hair and wove through my clothing–drawing me back into her arms. Evoking a simple surrender that, my second time around, was much easier to give. She’s the type that...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Faith, On-Camera Work, Poetry
So picture this scene, you’ve raped and you’ve pillaged. You’ve murdered, you’ve lied, you’ve destroyed a whole village. And when the High Courts catch you, you’re guilty of crime. You’re covered in blood, you’re punished to die. They explain to you you’re death will...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Daily Walk, On-Camera Work
The final two resolutions you should continually make throughout the year. P.s. Stop being such vacuum cleaner.