Sex, Jesus, and the Conversations the Church Forgot
With raw vulnerability and a bold spirit, Mo shares her own
sexual testimony, opening up the conversation about misguided rule-following, virginity, temptation, porn, promiscuity, false sex-pectations, sex in marriage and more. The book and the chapter-by-chapter study guide draw readers back to God’s original design for sex–a way to worship and glorify Him. These resources are for the young person tangled up in an addiction to pornography, for the girlfriend feeling pressured to go further, for the “good girl” who followed the rules and saved herself for marriage and then was confused and disappointed, for the married couple who use sex as a bargaining tool, for every person who casually watches sex play out in TV and movies and wonders why they’re dissatisfied with the real thing, and for every confused or hurting person in-between. Sex was God’s idea. It’s time we invited him back into the bedroom.

Sex, Jesus, and the Conversations the
Church Forgot
Sex And Jesus: The Conversation Continued Online Course
Sex, porn and masturbation. Singleness, soul ties and spiritual warfare. Dating, marriage and cultivating conversations with our kids. God cares deeply about all of these topics, and His Word is rich with revelation and understanding. This 8 part video series unearths hard but holy conversations around all things sex, invites the viewer into the bold journey towards healing and freedom, and gives practical, applicable advice on how to navigate godly sexuality in the midst of a sin-saturated world.
Wreck My Life
An inspiring story of how brokenness leads to bold faith! Jesus promises both peace and trouble for His followers. But most of us accept the peace and are confused and angry when adversity comes our way. I know the struggle firsthand. While my life seemed like a success on the surface, a vicious eating disorder, the unexpected suicide of my father, and a horrific car accident all plagued my story.
It wasn’t until God wrecked my life that I discovered the glory of renewal through Jesus Christ and realized that wreckage can be sacred rather than scarring. Take the journey with me from broken to bold, and learn to surrender your life to the King who was first wrecked on our behalf.

Wreck My Life