by Mo Isom Aiken | Daily Walk
Many of the battles I have lost in my life have been lost to individuals who held their tongues, while I filled the silence with ignorance, emotion, and opinion. My boyfriend, Jeremiah, is my greatest teacher in this regard. No matter his mood, his disappointment, his...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Daily Walk, Missions
A mountain can only be moved one stone at a time. Don’t lose faith in the small steps towards a big goal. Why is that such a hard lesson to learn? Or rather, why is that such a hard lesson to apply? It’s applicable to most every experience in our lives....
by Mo Isom Aiken | Daily Walk, Faith
I’ve heard it too many times to count. From friends, from family, from acquaintances. From myself. “I just care SO much about this person. I care SO deeply that they come to know Jesus and accept salvation. It breaks my heart that they just don’t...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Adversity, Daily Walk
Sometimes I make jokes about my father’s suicide. I’ve found that almost every time I try to lighten the mood or laugh around some of my life’s circumstances, I’m inevitably met by stiffening postures and quick sips of water around me....
by Mo Isom Aiken | Daily Walk
I have never enjoyed running distance. I have always favored sprinting. Quick, sharp, concise movements. Immediate gratification. Immediate results. Fine-tuning my reaction time and response has always been far more appealing to me than building up my endurance and...