by Mo Isom Aiken | Book, Dating, Featured, Love & Relationships, Marriage, Sex
Ever since releasing my second book, Sex, Jesus, and the Conversations the Church Forgot in March of 2018, and scraping the surface layer off of long-buried topics and hushed questions within the body of Christ, I’ve been listening. Listening to the overwhelming...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Current Events, Dating, Faith, Featured, Love & Relationships, Marriage, Sex
Sex. I know I talk about it a lot. But that’s only because I don’t think the body of Christ talks about it enough. And we should. Intently. Because God created sex, redeems the sexually broken, and desires unwavering Truth about His design to be taught...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Dating, Love & Relationships, Marriage, Sex
I never imagined, when I originally wrote the “50 Shades of Grace” blog post in 2015, that it would have gone as viral as it did. I never imagined it would light such a flame in my heart to tackle the sexual stranglehold the enemy has over our society. I never...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Featured, Marriage
I remember feeling like the contractions would never come. I was so anxious to meet you. So anxious to kiss the feet that pushed against my tight and swollen belly. From the inside out you owned my curiosity. I longed to know every inch of you. I was only two...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Daily Walk, Featured, Marriage
To the life growing inside of me, You are not my own. I knew it from the moment we saw your heartbeat flicker on that screen at 7 weeks. You weren’t mine. There’s no way you could be. Because if you were mine and somehow I had created you, I wouldn’t...
by Mo Isom Aiken | Love & Relationships, Marriage, Sex
We haven’t been at it for long. You and me. The we that we became somewhere in the midst of butterflies and sweating palms and tear-filled eyes. The best kind of tears. The kind of tears that welcomed me down the aisle and already felt like home. We’re new...