
I know I talk about it a lot. But that’s only because I don’t think the body of Christ talks about it enough.

And we should. Intently.

Because God created sex, redeems the sexually broken, and desires unwavering Truth about His design to be taught with compassionate understanding and love.



When I look around I see a generation of sexually illiterate people–professed Christians and non-believers alike–drowning in the repercussions of overwhelming sin struggles. We are suffering from the deep wounds of sexual misguidance, misunderstanding and misbehavior, yet we are almost universally silenced by shame. We wrestle with guilt and confusion in the darkness, and are unaware of what God has to say about sex, who Jesus really is in light of our sexual sin, and why understanding His heart for our sexuality is so important.

We are called to be salt and light in this world. To see areas of deficiency, suffering and weakness in the Body of Christ and to build those areas up. We are called to share our testimonies. To find healing and redemption in Christ and to testify about the One whose great grace sets us free. So with raw vulnerability and a bold spirit, I took the stage at Q Women to share parts of my own sexual testimony, opening up the conversation about misguided rule-following, virginity, temptation, porn, promiscuity, sex in marriage, and more. And, ultimately, to call each of us back to God’s original design for sex–a way to worship and glorify him.

My prayer is that these words find you right where you are and minster to your heart in a fresh way.

(You can watch the 10-minute Q talk above and check out a special backstage interview below.)



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